Our Common Future Under Climate Change

International Scientific Conference 7-10 JULY 2015 Paris, France

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  • 142 Science and the Road to Transformation: Opportunities in the post-2015 global climate regime



Organizers : ICSU
Date : July 6th, from 2pm to 6:30pm
Location : UNESCO, Paris (TBC)
Expected number of participants : 50-100
Nature of participants : scientists, science advice practicioners, representatives of international organisations, policy makers
Keywords : science, transformative opportunities
Keynote speakers :� TBD


The International Council for Science has historically played a central role in the development of climate science at the global level, from its prominent role in the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to being one of the international sponsors of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).

2015 is a critical year for transformative change towards global sustainable development, and all fields of science have a key role to play. Science has a central role to play both in the analysis of the grand challenges facing humanity in the current era of rapid global changes, and in exploring pathways to the future. To explore how science can help to support the world�s transition to a low carbon future, ICSU will convene a special event on July 6, on the side lines of the most important climate science conference of the year, �Our Common Future Under Climate Change�, taking place in Paris, France, at UNESCO.

To explore the scientific knowledge from across the disciplines and from different parts of the world that can drive and support� a world transformation to a low-carbon future, the event will bring together the leadership of ICSU co-sponsored research programmes, international scientific committees and networks, leading science advice practitioners and other representatives of the world's scientific community.

  • Identify the most critical scientific knowledge that can and does offer transformative opportunities in dealing with climate change challenges;
  • Explore what needs to change in our current science systems to leverage those opportunities;
  • Draw on the diversity of ICSU-led international scientific community to develop the key science messages that could be presented to the 21st UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP21) within the framework of an ICSU statement and official side event ;
  • Showcase the achievements of ICSU co-sponsored research programmes, international committees and networks in providing improved understanding of climate change.

The side event will bring together:
  • the leadership of ICSU-cosponsored research programmes and international scientific committees and networks.
  • leading representatives of ICSU�s International Network of Science Advice to Governments;
  • representatives of the Scientific and Organising Committees of �Our Common Future Under Climate Change� conference; and
  • representatives of the Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability (ISSC, the Belmont Forum, UNESCO, UNEP, UNU, WMO, and SDSN).

More information

You will find more information on this side event on the following link : TBD