Our Common Future Under Climate Change

International Scientific Conference 7-10 JULY 2015 Paris, France

Loren Kerns

Loren Kerns

Open Science for Public Good: Call for Papers


By Kim Locke

One message that rang out loud and clear at last week�s Our Common Future Under Climate Change conference was that scientists need to get the word out and help shape and drive discussions about our response to the climate crisis.�

A second message was that solutions require collaboration between the social and biophysical sciences, and among academics, practitioners and policymakers.�

Toward this end, a mission-driven, open-access and nonprofit journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthopocene, created the Sustainability Transitions domain to publish peer-reviewed articles at the intersection of research, policy and practice that address solutions to the challenges presented by this era of human impacts.�

To continue the unique cross-disciplinary exchanges sparked by the conference, Elementa is calling for submissions from conference participants, including individual research papers, commentaries and review articles.�

We are also inviting �policy bridge� and �practice bridge� articles that examine issues and opportunities emerging from science-based solutions to climate change, from mitigation and adaptation, or from new and transformative socio-cultural, economic and political pathways.�

With COP21 almost upon us, Elementa has decided to offer free, open-access publication of accepted articles from the conference, waiving the fees typically charged to cover costs of a nonprofit journal. Thus, a significant body of important work presented at the conference could be available to all who have access to an Internet connection and at the click of a mouse.

Session conveners or presenters who are interested in developing special features or forums can submit proposals as well. Elementa �forums� are designed to stimulate knowledge-sharing and debate on a specific topic across disciplines and sectors (for example, academic researchers, NGOs, governmental and intergovernmental bodies, etc.).�

Several themes for forums or special features from the conference are already emerging, including Transformative Solutions to Low-Carbon Pathways, Cities: Innovation Spaces for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Indigenous Knowledge and Collaboration, and Human Health and Climate Change.�

Please send expressions of interest to submit under this special invitation by August 15 to Kim Locke at [email protected]. Contact Kim also if you have questions about the journal or would like to discuss your ideas for forums or special features.

This is part of a blog series written by volunteer social reporters profiling climate scientists, economists, social scientists and civil society members who are presenting and discussing innovative climate science at Our Common Future. For more follow @ClimatParis2015 and #CFCC15 on Twitter

Further Information
